A Measured Response
4 min readOct 22, 2020


To Crown an American Monarch

coronation of Tsar Alexander III of Russia in 1888- his reign proved short and largely ineffectual in implementing reforms to reverse the decay of his empire.

Eyeing the progress of the US presidential election from the comforting impartiality of a forgien continent, I can’t quite surpress the feeling that I have absolutely no emotional investment in the outcome. I know its important, sure. Despite the gleeful prophesying of America’s gradual decent from the stature of first world power, it’s hard to deny that anointing the leader of the worlds most affluent economy has its consequences. At the moment, that’s almost what it's feeling like. A coronation. The current unsavoury autocrat is slipping begrudgingly towards a well earned death; and his somewhat more palatable successor has already begun ordering the blackest of wreaths and most patriotic funeral decor possible. Ignoring my admittedly clumsy metaphor ( Biden is a full four years older than his “predecessor”), you can’t retreat very far from the bloodied animosity of modern politics to realise there isn't a great deal to differentiate the two contenders.

Both are caucasian men approching the end of their respective careers, one in the sphere of, and this is with the broadest possible definition, business, and one in career politics. Those worlds intermingle far more regularly than one might care to admit. Both are ardent capitalists, who believe in the autonomy of the free market, and it’s almost divine ability to rectify the worlds collective woes. Waging foreign wars in areas that have have the audacity to…



A Measured Response
A Measured Response

Written by A Measured Response


I don't make a habit of routinely purchasing publications I disagree with. This serves as a testament to why I didn't, and I suspect to a lost, less angry life.

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